This is the survey I give out twice a year to decide how I write. Please fill this out. This is the only feedback I get from any of you most the time. It really influences what I write and how. This one, in particular, has a monetary question that will influence every member.
Please remember to fill out the Membership Survey if you’re a member, as there will be a separate link for the public. Click here for the Member Survey.
Here is the Public Survey.
***The eBook voucher has been cancelled for public. Over 10% of those public users who took the survey decided to just steal every eBook with dummy accounts. To the 90% of you who don’t steal from an individual just trying to support his wife and family, thank you for your support. I’m sorry I can’t do more for you. Next time, I’ll come up with a tamper proof way. Likely by dictating which book you get free. What can I say? This is why we can’t have nice things. For some people, you can’t even GIVE something away.
For members, you can still get the coupon by doing the survey.