You are currently viewing Monthly Newsletter – June 2022

Dear Supporters and Fans,

Thank you for another month of support. I just came back from closing on my house. Now I got to start fixing it up for the move. This has been a long month, so let’s get to the announcements.


  • For the last week or so, Patreon and Subscribestar members have had issues renewing their membership. This was NOT caused by me, but Restrict Content Pro, the plugin I used. They finally discovered and acknowledged the bug they introduced, and say they will fix it in the next version. That said, I rolled back to a previous version, and the renew system is now working again, and just in time. I automatically extended every Patreon and Subscribestar member expiring last month to June 2nd, so you can extend your month from there with the new coupons I’ll be releasing shortly.
  • I had also planned to switch my membership plan to Memberpress. After carefully going through what they offer, it turns out they will not work for us. I’m working on getting a refund, and we’ll continue working with RCP until I can find something better. Now that I closed on my house, I’ll be going back to putting money into the business, so hopefully this summer we can see some improvements.
  • My releases improved… temporarily… and then started lagging again. Sorry. I do think a week off every two months is the best option for me. I do have good news though… First off, once I move to my new house, I’ll have an office that I can work in, so that will be a big deal for my writing. Secondly, my teaching assignment is ending. I will have the summer off, meaning that my house and writing are the only two things I have to worry about. Next year, I will NOT be working as much. I suppose I can explain what happened. I like to be fully transparent, so if you’re wondering what has been going on here it is:

Last November, I applied for a part-time job just because I was lying around the house too much and I wanted to have a reason to get out. I also wanted experience with teaching and presenting science content, because as many of you know, I desire to do science content down the line. I was also thinking some extra money to help buy a house the following year wouldn’t hurt. So, I found a job teaching a single class three times a week at a high school. It was not intended to be a big assignment. However, I ended up getting suckered into teaching 3 more grades at a middle school, and instead of three classes like the high school, I got scheduled for six classes each. They paid me accordingly, but I’ve been teaching 4 grades with 4 different science subjects and 19 credit hours. I thought I could handle it while writing, but it has been a challenge. I’ve actually gained wait and most of the health gains I was making her effectively undone. I needed the money to get my house though, and the extra $2500 a month was nice for doing that. Anyway, having to prepare for that many classes every day five days a week, and write 100k words led to me being burned out. Add to that a nonstop list of issues from COVID to my cat passing away to other home issues I’d rather not talk about, and perhaps you can understand why content decreased. However, I saved up enough and just closed on the house, school is getting out on the 16th, and things are looking up. In two months, I did agree to return to the school, however, only the high school, where I will teach two classes. I also demanded they schedule me for only two days a week and block scheduling my classes to decrease the commute time, gas cost, and daily commitment. In other words, I hope I’ve made it through the storm and I can put the last 6 months behind me. I hope that explains everything, and whether you sympathize or just want more content, at least you can understand where I was coming from.

  •  I had delayed a few things the last month or two. I should get the eBook My Dungeon Life: My Yandere’s Life out this month, as well as Power of Creation Volume 3 -1St Person Edition. I will be starting up the comic strip again too, so that will still take a month for him to draw the new content. He needed a break anyway, as his work was growing slower and slower, so it was a good time for him as well. He says he’s re-energized and ready for more content.
  • I will start World of Women this month. I don’t feel ready for it, but it’ll be like ripping off a band-aid, I guess.
  • MOTH is still chugging along until the end. There are a bit more chapters than I originally predicted, but we will be done by the end of summer.

June Goals:

These are goals. Goals are not a 100% guarantee.

World of Women: Monday

Apocalypse: Tuesday and Saturday

Tales of a Demon Queen: Wednesday

Man of the House: Thursday

My Dungeon Life: T-S (3X)

Guy on a Spaceship: Friday

I Reincarnated in the Hero’s Body: Sunday

All Gods Must Die: May 5th

Rise of the Midnight King:  May 12th

Automatic Girlfriend: May 19th

The Last Dreadpirate: May 26th

Isekai no Monogatari: Suspended Temporarily

9 PM Eastern Standard Time

Public Chapters Currently Releasing…

My Dungeon Life (6-9 a week), NTR Crush (1 a week), Man of the House (1 a week), Apocalypse (1 a week)

All Public Chapters release on Sunday Night/ Monday Morning.

*Please allow up to 24 hours for the chapters to release late before messaging me. If a chapter doesn’t go from $5 to $2 tier by the next morning after a release, let me know.

May Recap:

MDL: 12 (19,200)

MOTH: 2 (4,000)

Apocalypse: 6 (9,000)

TOAD: 3 (6,000)

STD: 4 (5,200)

Automatic GF: 2 (3,000)

Reincarnated Demon Lord: 4 (8,000)

Other: 6 (18,000)

Total Words Released This Month: 72,400 words

It’ll only get better from here. Just two weeks and releases should start becoming normalized.

