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“When I was younger, I was a playboy.” Dad explained. “This you knew. I had many one-night stands. As it turns out, one of my one-night stands was with Felicia’s mother. She ended up having twins, but feeling like she couldn’t handle two children, she decided to leave the boy on my doorstep, but she never told me about my daughter. So, I raised you, and I straightened out my life, wanting to be a better role model for you.”

“Mom also moved on.” Heidi continued where he left off. “She found a man and settled down, but he died shortly after getting her pregnant with me. After that, she no longer tried to date anymore. However, she knew that if Felicia ever had trouble, she still had a living father to depend on. That’s why, in her will, she included a letter that explained Felicia’s origins. When the letter arrived at the house, I read it.”

“I didn’t know anything until after the girls took me to the hospital. Heidi kept bringing up her mother, and I started to recognize her. Eventually, I asked Heidi point blank, and she told me about the letter. It wasn’t until I read the letter that I was able to confirm my suspicions.” Dad explained.

“I wanted to tell you directly, but how could I? Would you even believe me?” Heidi asked tearfully. “So, I gave you the letter, and I came to the house hoping you had read it. When I realized you didn’t, I dropped hints for your father to realize the truth. In the meantime, I decided to try to come between you two and split you up. I used my body to lure you away from Sister. I wanted to protect you.”

“To protect me?” I glowered.

She blushed. “I also had developed feelings for you. I admit my actions weren’t completely selfless.”

I shook my head. “Why didn’t any of you just tell me?”

“That was… my fault,” Henry spoke up. “After we had that fight, I thought you wouldn’t listen to Alex. Then, there was everything with Donna. I didn’t want to overload you. That’s why we decided to tell Felicia. After finding out you were married to Donna, I was hoping this reveal would soften the blow. She might not be able to marry you, but she never should have in the first place. We sent her up to your room to tell you the truth. We didn’t expect that she’d run off without saying anything.”

“You also didn’t give us much of a chance to explain ourselves,” Margot added with a pout.

“We only learned about it when Alex told Felicia,” Carol explained, holding Margot.

“That’s right!” Donna exclaimed. “We told Felicia! Why did this end up happening?”

Every eye went to Felicia. Since I rolled off of her and my family stormed into the room and explained themselves, Felicia had been quiet. Her head was down and her hair was blocking her face. However, she started shaking. I thought she was crying, but I started to hear her voice.

“Hehehehehe… hahahahaha!” She threw her head back, laughing fully.

“Felicia… are you okay?” I asked, worried that she had somehow broken.

“You just had to come here, didn’t you?” Felicia asked, her face twisted as she glared at my family. “You had to ruin what we had?”


“You think you told me about Brother? I always knew!” She declared.

“You knew?” Heidi asked incredulously.

“From a young age, I knew I was different.” Felicia sighed, her laughter ending. “I had no sexual interest in any boys. I was pursued by countless guys, but I felt nothing. I was beginning to think I was asexual, but on my mother’s deathbed, she saw Evan talking to me, and when she realized he was trying to date me, she told me that he was my brother.”

“If you known for so long… then why…”  Carol started to ask.

“From the moment I learned Evan, my brother, was romantically pursuing me, it was like a floodgate opened inside me. I noticed him for the first time, and he was so sweet and so kind. I began to want him more and more. I began to realize the truth. It’s not that I was asexual, but that I had peculiar tastes. I love incest! It’s the only thing that turns me on. I’ve wanted to fuck my brother for ages!”

“Y-you can’t mean that.” I barely managed to get out, feeling like I was looking at a stranger.

“Of course, brother was too cautious. He wanted to have sex after marriage. At first, it bothered me, but the idea of marrying my brother turned me on. However, how could Brother be enough? That’s why, I wanted my sister too.”

“Eh?” Heidi’s eyes widened as everyone looked at her.

“It wasn’t hard.” Felicia chuckled. “After mother died, you were emotionally vulnerable. I talked about him nonstop. I encouraged you to make mistakes, and then I had Brother rush in just in time to save you. How could you not fall in love with Brother too, when I was his greatest wingman? In time, all three of us would be together!”

As she spoke, Felicia’s eyes looked just a bit unhinged. Added to that her hair and makeup were messed up from having sex, and she looked a bit crazed. Everyone was looking at her with incredulity.

“Felicia…” I spoke weakly, wanting to know where my cute fiancée went.

“There was only one other problem. He seemed to have an emotional detachment from his family. I was hoping he was sexually abused or something. I could work with that. Instead, your family was even better than I hoped. His parents and grandparents were swingers, and cute little Margot was infatuated with him. Watching you all seduce my brother was so hot. I could barely contain myself. I desperately wanted to join in, but I knew it wasn’t the right time.”

“It-it wasn’t… seduction… per say…” Donna pushed her fingers together.

“I always knew there was a dark side to my brother. After all, we’re brother and sister. We came from the same womb. I knew he must be like me!” She declared excitedly. “And after seeing him shamelessly plow his niece, his mom, and even his grandma, I knew we were a perfect match.”

“You’re fine with me sleeping with other women?” I asked in disbelief.

“As long as they’re family, there is nothing sexier. When you told me about how you banged them all, I nearly came in my panties!” She declared, but then her face twisted. “But, then I learned you’re all a bunch of vanilla prudes!”

“Eh? What does that mean?” Carol asked.

“You were all so concerned about us being related. You acted like it was natural our relationship ended. I thought you were different, but aren’t all of your screwed-up relations just by marriage? None of you even committed real incest, and you treated my beautiful incestuous relationship with my brother as a sin! So… I did what I had to do…”

“What did you do?” Dad asked, just as clueless as the rest of us how to respond.

“I had to lure Brother away from the house so we could consummate our love.” She shrugged. “I gave him a taste, and then made him chase me. I almost couldn’t stop, but I knew the family would interrupt us, and I wanted all of Brother’s attention. So, I left Heidi’s phone in his car and headed to a motel, waiting for his arrival. Why else would I have gotten a room here? Duh?”

I hadn’t even thought of it at the time. I had just been so excited to catch up to her that I didn’t question all of the serendipitous events.

“You… set this all up?” I asked.

“Of course, we were supposed to have all night to play. I don’t know how you all found out where I led him. I took Heidi’s phone and I left no tracks.”

Heidi lifted a second phone. “Backup.”

Felicia chuckled. “Well, mom always was crazy. We both know she probably set that fire that killed your dad. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You’re an obsessive borderline stalker, and I’m… I’m me…”

Heidi blushed.

“It’s not too late…” Carol spoke up. “We can go back to the mansion, and…”

“Hmph… there is nothing to talk about.” Felicia declared. “It’s too late. Brother already came in me and this is one of my fertile days. We’re going to have an incest baby. I hope it’s a girl, and when she grows up, Brother can have her too. He can play with both of us at once.”

“The-that’s wrong!” Donna cried out.

“You’re one to say that.” Felicia laughed. “Don’t you and Carol sleep with the same men? Don’t you do it both at once?”

“Th-that’s different.”

“That’s incest! Mother-daughter incest!” Felicia declared. “Don’t act like you’re better than me.”

Donna lowered her head shamefully, and Margot and Carol both hugged her from either side to try to comfort her, although it only seemed to make Felicia’s point even more vivid.

“I don’t know what to say,” Dad responded. “I don’t. I feel it’s my fault for being reckless when I was younger. Now that everything has happened, it’s between Evan and you how you want to proceed. I’ll support you.”

“Evan? Are you okay?” Carol asked me.

There was a long silence as everyone watched me. I had my face in my hands, my head down, as I tried to order all of my thoughts. Finally, I spoke.

“I loved Felicia…” I began. “She was so pure… so perfect. I didn’t want to end up some degenerate.”

“Kind of funny that you call us degenerates while Felicia is the biggest pervert here,” Donna muttered before being pinched by Margot. “Ow, what was that for? I’m his wife! I can speak to him frankly!”

“We can still be together,” Felicia said, looking at me intently. “We might not be able to get married, but we can still be together.”

Her wild expression had calmed a bit, and now she had a bit of concern on her brow as she watched me carefully.

“Is the only reason you’re interested in me because I’m your brother?” I asked her honestly.

“I love you, Evan. Being my brother is what allowed me to open up to you. If you weren’t my brother, then I never would have given you a chance. It’s like a guy who only is attracted to women with big boobs. Just because the woman he fell in love with has big boobs, doesn’t mean he fell in love with her for her boobs. I love you because you’re you, not because you’re my brother.”

“I see…” I took in a breath and then looked up. “And what about the rest of you? Margot, Heidi, Carol, Donna, I love all of you, but I love Felicia too.”

“Always expected I’d have to share my man with Mother.” Margot sighed.

“We love your father and grandfather,” Carol spoke up. “But we love you too, and you’re the only man who can bring us happiness.”

“If that’s enough for you, then we’re yours.” Donna finished.

“I don’t know…” Heidi responded, causing everyone to look her way, and her to blush. “I love him, but I wanted to steal him! I don’t like sharing my things…”

“You haven’t changed much.” Felicia huffed. “If you agree to accept the other women, I’ll ensure you get one day to him a week to yourself.”

“Really?” Heidi’s expression brightened. “Deal!”

“Eh? Does she get a day? I want a day!” Donna complained.

“How about we each get a day?” Carol suggested.

“That’s only five days!” Margot complained. “What about the two remaining days?”

“How about I get two days a week to rest?” I offered.

The girls glanced at me and then went back to deciding who got me on what days. I wasn’t allowed any days off.

“Oh, by the way…” Henry spoke up as the girls continued to argue. “I found your boxes of collector’s cards in the back of your truck. I went ahead and called a guy who checked them out and I sold them to him.”

“You what?” I nearly jumped. “Grandpa… I had a particular place I was going to sell. The guy was willing to give me around $10,000 for those boxes.”

“Oh?” Grandpa blew out his mustache. “But my guy assessed the cards and said that there were three ultra-rare collectibles. He made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

“H-how much?”

“$250,000.” That number caught all of the girl’s eyes and my mouth fell open.

“You’ll be able to replace that old truck finally.” Donna laughed.

“That’s enough to put an extension on the mansion.” Felicia declared.

“What? Why do we need an extension on the mansion?” Carol asked.

“To make room… for newcomers.” Margot stroked her stomach.

“Eh? Y-you’re pregnant!” Donna cried out.

“You! Did you get pregnant first? That’s not fair!” Felicia cried out.

“First child is always daddy’s favorite.” She looked at Felicia smugly.

“Th-that can’t be… only if it’s…”

“It’s a girl!”

“Geh! No…” Felicia looked defeated.

“There is no way you could know that!” Heidi cried out. “Sister, it’s okay! I could be pregnant too!”

“Ah! Et tu… sister?”

“I don’t know… we didn’t use protection.”

“Why are we making sure I use protection when everyone else is getting pregnant!” Donna cried to her mom.

“Because we’re old.” Carol laughed.

“Speak for yourself!” Donna declared. “I’m still child-bearing age! Margot, get ready for a sister! I’m having a baby too!”

Donna suddenly leaped onto the bed. Margot and Carol tried to stop her, but that only brought them as well. Suddenly, all five women were fighting on top of me. Rather, they were fighting over me.

“Hey! Stop! He’s my fiancée! Mine!”

“He’s my husband!”

“He’s my baby’s daddy!”

“I’m his mother! I get dibs by seniority!”

“Shut it, old lady!”


Dad looked up at Grandpa. “I think it’s our time to go. We should let them all get a chance to get comfortable with each other.”

“I don’t know if I want to smack Evan in the head or pity him.” Grandpa shook his head.

“I could barely handle Carol and Donna’s sex drive, and our child has somehow added their daughter, a pervert, and her sister too.”

“You’re right, Evan is walking a thorny path… I’ll try not to envy him.” Grandpa sighed as she turned Dad around in the wheelchair and headed to the exit as various clothing was flung from the bed. “I need a drink, how about you?”

“Let’s make it a double. This whole situation has left me feeling melancholy.”

The door closed behind the two men, only leaving one man and five horny women. It was just the first night of many.

When everyone was finished, I felt more drained than I had been in countless years. I collapsed to the bed, panting heavily as the sweat began to cool on my body. The women had taken turns, some of them getting off on the sight of me making love to someone else, and others wanting my attention all to themselves. I wasn’t even sure how many times I came, and I couldn’t believe that there was still cum inside of me after all of that.

My fiancée was lying next to me, her body limp and her legs twitching in the aftermath. The other four women were cuddled against me as well, each of them having found their spots where they could be comfortable. Margot’s head was resting on my chest, her brown hair spilling all over me. Her eyes were closed, and a content smile was on her face. Donna was resting on her other side, her head resting on Margot’s shoulder and her arm draped over Margot’s body.

“That was amazing,” Donna whispered.

Her red hair was a mess, and her hand was running through it as she stared at me. Her green eyes were wide and lustful. Her large breasts were pressed against my side, her erect nipples rubbing against me and sending pleasant shivers through me. Carol was lying between my legs, her head resting on my thigh, and her hand cupping my spent ball sack like she was protecting it from the other girls. As for Heidi, she was sitting up, her back against the headboard. She was watching me with a smile on her face, her hands idly playing with my hair.

“Don’t tell husband, but I think you have more stamina than both of those old men combined.” Carol declared, causing Donna to chuckle in agreement.

I chuckled. “I won’t…”

“Evan… I’m sorry I’m not the woman you thought I was.” Felicia looked up at me, a slightly uneasy expression on her face.

“It’s fine.” I smiled down at her. “You’re perfect the way you are. I love you, sister.”

Her body shook with pleasure, and she started acting shy all of a sudden. “I love you too, Brother.”

“That reminds me.” I frowned. “If Margot is pregnant with my daughter… then our daughter is Donna’s grandchild.”

“Yeah, what about it?” Donna asked.

“Well, if I’m married to Donna, then my daughter is also my granddaughter.”

“I suppose that is true.”

“And if Donna is my grandmother, but also my grandchild’s grandmother, then aren’t I my own grandfather?”

All of the girls perked up, looking at each other in confusion. It was Carol who finally spoke.

“Um… no, because Donna isn’t your grandmother since she married you. So, you are your daughter’s grandfather, but Donna is just your half-sister’s wife. Margot is her own daughter’s sister, and Felicia’s baby will be both of their half-sisters.”

“Oh good… I thought things would get confusing for a bit.”

In the end, all of the girls fell asleep, and I was the last to join them. The next day, we returned to the mansion to start our new life. I decided to remain married to Donna, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying her mom and daughter, as well as my sister and her sister. The mansion was active and always noisy, and that was before the babies started coming along. Margot ended up having a girl just like she thought, but Felicia had twins, a boy and a girl just like us. She wanted to separate them and let them mistakenly find each other like us, but I thankfully got her to settle for letting them stay together and grow up normally, at least as normal as our mansion could get.

Heidi ended up having the first boy, and even Donna managed to make a sister for Margot just like she promised. By the time Grandpa passed away at the old age of 90, he had countless cute grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

Carol ended up divorcing my dad, and Margot ended up marrying him. This was because Margot’s business had better health insurance which was able to handle his wheel-chair state better. This turned Margot into my mother, and Donna into my grandmother… which did make me my own grandpa.

Donna, Heidi, Carol, Felicia, and Margot all became my unofficial wives, and we had a lot of fun. When I wasn’t busy making babies with them, I was busy making love to them. With the money I invested, we went on several vacations and trips, and we did many things together as a family. Sometimes, we got strange looks out in public, but that didn’t matter to us at all. My family and I were truly happy.

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