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“Why are you so cheery?” Donna asked, looking at her mother suspiciously.

“Is there a problem with that?” Carol asked, “Can’t I be happy?”

Carol was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. It was the following day after the beach. We had come home late in the evening tired, and in the morning, everyone seemed to get up around the same time. Carol had volunteered to cook, humming happily as she did so. Her behavior ended up catching the notice of her daughter, who narrowed her eyes, looking at her mother suspiciously.

“Hello.” A voice came as a small form walked across the kitchen, her bare feet slapping the floor with each step.

“Margot! You’re up? Before noon?” Donna abandoned glaring at her mom to watch Margot casually walk in. “Ah! W-what are you wearing?”

Margot cocked her head. “Underwear?”

“Yes! I can see it. Where is the rest of it?”

“Isn’t this enough?” She asked, pulling a carton of juice from the fridge.

The time it took her to open the fridge had caused her nipples to harden, and they could now be distinctly seen through her bra. It was an especially erotic scene for so early in the morning. She immediately began chugging juice out of the carton in long glugs.

“Henry, aren’t you going to do anything about your daughter?” Donna demanded.

“Nope…” He responded, not even looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

“What do you mean, no?” Donna asked.

“I seem to recall one of the conditions of marriage was that we didn’t have the right to tell either of your daughters what to do. Isn’t that right, sweetie?”

“That is, sugerbuns!” Carol giggled in an excited face.

“Okay, something is up with both of you!” Donna looked between the bold Margot and the suspiciously cheery Carol. “Did something happen at the beach yesterday?”

“What could have happened?” I cut in, breaking into a cough. “I mean, we were all together for most of the day.”

Donna started to look at me suspiciously too. I hid behind my coffee.

“You seem to be different too. Normally, you’d complain about Margot being in her underwear.” As she spoke, she moved closer and closer to me until her face was a few inches from my cheek.

I did my best to keep a straight face. “It’s not like Felicia is here… on that note, Felicia is sleeping in today, huh?”

“Hmm? Oh, that’s right. Felicia left this morning.” Donna finally backed away, blushing in embarrassment.

“She did?” I blinked.

“Yeah, she said something about seeing a lawyer?”

“Oh, I see…”

Felicia was still dealing with lawyers following her mom’s death. Her mom had been a bit clumsy, and there were a lot of loose ends that never got fulfilled. I explained as much to everyone present.

“Poor girl.” Carol shook her head. “She has no family. Dealing with her mother’s death must be hard.”

“She has her sister Heidi, but Heidi only recently turned eighteen,” I explained. “She has been through a lot though. That’s why… I don’t want to hurt her.”

As I spoke, Margot sat right next to me, her barely clothed body pressing against mine.

“I’m sure… she’ll understand,” Carol said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Carol blinked. “I mean, I’m sure she won’t get mad, even if she finds out…”

“Finds out about what?”

Carol blushed. “Aren’t you and Margot together?”

“Ah!” Donna cried out. “You seriously slept with Margot? I knew something was up!”

“You told them?” I shot Margot a glare.

Margot put on a stubborn look. “What if I did?

“She told Carol, but not me!” Donna whined before turning to me. “It’s fine though! I don’t mind.”

“Who else did you tell? Did you tell Felicia? Has she even gone to the lawyer?” I snapped, getting up from the table as I looked down at her.

“Evan, I didn’t lie to you.” Donna looked hurt. “She said she was going to a lawyer.”

“So what? Didn’t you say you love me?” Margot declared, not looking my way.

“You…” I opened my mouth and then closed it.

“Wait, where are you going?” Carol asked. “We can work on this.”

“I’m going out.” I declared. “I need some time.”

Henry and Alex glanced at each other but said nothing. Donna and Carol watched me leave with worry in their eyes, while Margot had a sullen, pouty expression. The thing was, I didn’t even really know what I was angry about. I did love Margot, but I didn’t expect what we did to suddenly become public knowledge. I had finally succumbed to some of my dark impulses, and suddenly my entire family knew.

I was mostly just shocked, and perhaps a bit appalled at myself. If Donna had been angry at me, or if Carol had lectured me, it might have been better. At least, I was getting what I deserved. Instead, they practically encouraged it.

I picked up the two boxes of collector’s cards and shoved them into the back of my truck. One of the reasons I was up so early was that I had been in the attic continuing my search. I had lucked out and finally found the cards I had been looking for. I had brought them down to the garage right before stopping for breakfast, but since I was leaving, I decided it was time to finish.

This small town didn’t have any hobby shops, but I already had a place in mind. It was near the city where Felicia and I worked and lived, so I began the long drive back home. It was already noontime by the time I reached the outlet mall that included the collector shop. By that point, I had cooled down and was mostly feeling guilty about Margot. I kept glancing at my phone, wondering if I should call her and apologize for storming out.

The phone suddenly began ringing, and so I picked it up. “Margot?”

“Hmm? It’s me, Felicia?”

“Oh, sorry… I-I forgot to check.” I had been so distracted I picked up without even checking. “Is everything okay? I heard you went to the lawyer?”

“I did…” Her voice sounded disheartened.

“Wh-what’s wrong?”

“I need to go back home. The lawyer sent the last few documents I need to my apartment.”

“I-I see…”

“I wanted to stay a little longer.” She sounded depressed. “I feel like I barely got to meet your family.”

This was my chance. I had the collector’s cards I had wanted from my parents. Once Felicia joined me in the city, we could get married and move on with our lives. My trial was finally over.

Yet, as soon as I saw that, images of Donna, Carol, and Margot flooded my mind. I had just stormed off without saying goodbye. Then, I drove hours out of town. I couldn’t leave everything unresolved like that. I couldn’t leave Margot like that. I closed my eyes.

“I’m in town,” I said.


I winced. “The shop I trust is only about twenty minutes from your apartment. I can swing by and get the papers and then come back.”

“R-really?” Her voice sounded hopeful.

“Yeah… really…” I gave in to any resistance I had left.

“In that case, I’ll head back to your family’s place. My sister should be around to let you in, okay?”

“Y-yeah…” I lowered the phone and turned it off.

I was surprised that I felt a bit relieved. I was giving myself more worries, but I was relieved for some reason. I did want Margot. The reason I had gotten so worked up was partially because I was afraid of my relationship with Margot ending. She might even be pregnant with my child! How could I leave her?

At least, I could keep things going a little longer. With a sigh, I decided to leave the boxes in the back of my truck. They were safe there. I could always sell them later. Instead, I wanted to get back home to Felicia… and to Margot. Margot, in particular, I wanted to play with again. I’d apologize in the best way she understood, with my body.

My ride to Felicia’s place was filled with thoughts of all the things I wanted to do to Margot. Since we had sex twice, I couldn’t help but imagine all of the positions I wanted to try. One could say I was going through a sexual awakening. By the time I reached Felicia’s house, I was trying to keep myself from getting a boner. Suffice it to say, I was in a hurry to return to the mansion and explore things further. I approached the front door of their condominium and hit the buzzer.

“Hello?” I heard her sister’s groggy voice over the intercom.

“It’s me, Evan. Your sister sent me.”

I didn’t receive an answer, but the buzzer alarmed me a short moment later and I opened the unlocked door. I headed up the hallway to Felicia’s place, which was on the second floor.

Heidi was standing there at the doorway waiting for me. Her hair was in a braid, and she had on a black tank top and pajama pants. She was smiling. “Hey, Evan.”

“Hey,” I replied, looking her up and down. “Sorry for the short notice.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she replied. “Come on in.”

Heidi had a perfect, tight little body that only an energetic eighteen-year-old could have. She had messy blonde hair which she left short because she never liked to comb it. She was fairly athletic and had a light, slim figure. Her chest was modest, as was her body, but that was part of her charm. Compared to my voluptuous mother and grandma, she was practically a child.

“You can have a seat in the living room,” she told me. “I’ll get us drinks.”

“That’s not necessary.” I walked in and sat on the couch, while she shut the door behind us. “I just need to pick up those documents for your sister.”

She followed me into the living room and then disappeared around the corner without answering. A moment later, she returned with a bottle of wine. She popped the cork and then poured two cups.

“Um… aren’t you a bit young to drink?” I asked.

“It’s legal to drink, just not buy.” She rolled her eyes and sat on the opposite couch as she pushed a glass toward me. “So… tell me, why’d you come out here? Couldn’t Sister have come herself?”

“Yeah, she could have,” I replied, taking the glass but not drinking it. “But the thing is, I was already out here, and she needs the documents. Do you have them?”

“Sis already sent me a text.” She smiled. “I can get the documents, but I need something in exchange.”

“Wh-what do you mean?”

“You have to tell me, have you had sex with my sister yet?”

“Wh-why do you want to know that?” I asked in a fluster.

“Because,” she said, blushing a little. “You and Sis are getting married, right? So you’re gonna have sex with her, aren’t you?”

“W-well…” I realized I couldn’t deny the obvious. “I… yeah, that’s the idea.”

“You don’t need to be so embarrassed,” she replied, taking a sip. “I’m an adult too, y’know.”

“Well, we’ve been holding off until marriage,” I told her, finally taking a sip to cut the edge of this uncomfortable situation.

“So, it’s not too late…” she mumbled to herself.

“What was that?” I asked, drinking another glass, the warm liquid running down my throat. 

“Nothing.” She smiled innocently and then finished her glass. “So, you wanna see the documents or what?”

“Yes, please,” I replied.

“Let’s go to my room,” she said. “It’s the only place I have a printer.”

I picked up the glass and followed her, a little nervous. I had never been in her room before. She was only eighteen, and the room still had various signs of youth, from the stuffed animals covering the bed to a picture of a boy from a popular boy band on the wall. She didn’t have as many curves as the rest of the women in my life, but she had an appeal that I couldn’t quite deny. Her small tits, slim figure, and long legs made me feel a little weird, so I tried to distract myself, especially given how raunchy I was feeling.

“What?” I asked… feeling something was off, but unable to peel myself away like a car crash in slow motion.

“Nothing,” she giggled, and then turned onto her belly, reaching under the bed, where the printer was apparently.

Her ass stuck up into the air. She was wearing thin, silky pajamas, which clung to her round, little cheeks. I couldn’t help but stare. I knew it was wrong, but I was a man, and there was something about her that drew me in. Perhaps it was because she was taboo since she was my future sister-in-law. Maybe it was because she was my fiancee’s little sister. Regardless, I stared and didn’t look away.

“Hey,” her voice came up suddenly. “Do you like my butt?”

I felt a shiver go down my spine. “N-no…”

“Don’t lie.” She giggled and then lifted her shirt.

Her naked, little rump was on full display. It was soft, yet firm, with two small dimples at the bottom. She was wearing a g-string, which showed off the entirety of her perfect ass. She wiggled it back and forth, teasing me.

“Stop,” I whispered.

“No.” She shook her head. “Sis doesn’t want to fuck you, does she?”

“How do you know that?”

“It’s obvious.” She laughed and then sat up on her knees. “If she did, you would’ve fucked her by now, right? But, instead, she’s trying to make you wait until marriage. Isn’t that sad?”

“What’s your point?” I asked, swallowing hard.

“You can fuck me all you want.” She looked back, licking her lips.

“N-no,” I stammered.

“Why not?” she grinned.

She was a sultry teenager, with the perfect little ass. There was a part of me that knew it was wrong. We were going to be family, but I wasn’t married to her sister yet. The wine was making my head dizzy, and my dick was twitching in my pants.

“I can’t,” I managed to get out.

“Sure you can.” She grinned. “You’re not even married to my sister. She doesn’t have to know.”

“She’s your sister.”

“And you’re not married to her.” She pointed out. “Not yet, anyway.”

“Well, we’ll get married, and-“

“Then what? You can fuck her then? Why bother when I’ll give my virginity to you for free?”

“A-a virgin?” I felt my resistance dropping.

“Evan, I want you and only you. Since the day you saved me at that party, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

She turned around on the bed, remaining on all fours, and crawled forward on her hands and knees until she reached the end where I was standing. She then sat up and moved to kiss me. I moved to resist her, but there was no energy in my arms as she pushed herself against me, her body warm to touch. Her lips were soft and inviting. Her tongue slipped into my mouth. I tried to push her away, but I didn’t want to.

When she pulled away, she licked her lips and giggled. “See? I know you want me.”

Her hand playfully squeezed my bulge. I knew I could no longer resist. If it hadn’t been for Margot forcing my dark side out the other day, I might have had a chance, but my mind was filled with erotic thoughts, and Heidi was exactly the kind of slut I wanted to fulfill them. I didn’t have to wait for marriage, and Felicia wouldn’t have to know. My body began moving on its own, as I placed my hand on her cheek and pulled her face to mine, kissing her passionately.

We continued making out on her bed, and she helped me out of my clothes, before stripping down herself. Her tits were tiny and adorable. Her little nipples were like pink candy. Her pussy was wet, and she was practically shaking with anticipation.

“You can have me however you want,” she told me, her eyes begging.

I climbed onto the bed, and positioned her onto all fours, her cute butt sticking into the air, and her legs spread. Ever since I had seen Carol in that position, I had wanted to try it. The two times I was with Margot, we had done in missionary. Perhaps, that was part of the reason Margot had a piece of my heart. I couldn’t afford to make the same mistake again. Heidi and I were just fucking. That’s why I picked a position where I didn’t have to face her. We were just two consenting adults getting out lust out on each other. There was nothing wrong with that.

“Fuck me,” she moaned, looking back over her shoulder at me.

I couldn’t hold myself back. My cock was rock hard, and I was throbbing to fuck. I placed the tip on her tiny slit, and she squeaked a little when it touched her. Then, I grabbed her by the waist and plunged inside of her.

“Oh, fuck!” she cried out.

Her pussy was tight and wet. She was so fucking tight that it felt like my cock was being crushed, yet she was so wet and lubricated, it was a pleasurable pain. It didn’t take long to get into a rhythm. The more I thrust into her, the better her pussy felt. She was a perfect fit. We were meant to be together.

I could hear her crying and whimpering beneath me. Her body was trembling.

“Oh, fuck, yes, Evan! Fuck me!” She moaned, her voice strained. “This feels so fucking good. Fuck me harder. Oh, god, yes, it’s so fucking good.”

Heidi was such a dirty girl. The more I fucked her, the more she moaned. I wondered if she would even care if the whole building could hear us. She was like a little bunny rabbit, moaning and shaking her ass, while I was pounding her from behind.

I could feel her juices flowing, dripping down my cock, and splashing my thighs.

“Yes, yes, yes, fuck, oh, fuck!” she squealed.

“Your pussy is so fucking tight,” I told her.

“It’s never been fucked,” she squealed.

I smacked her ass hard, and she screamed, her pussy contracting. I was on the verge of cumming. My balls were boiling, and I could barely contain myself. Her body was perfect. She was such a slut.

“Your cock feels so good inside me, Evan.” She moaned. “I’ve been waiting so long to feel it.”

“It’s yours,” I moaned. “My cock is all yours.”

“All mine?” She grinned. “Promise?”

“I promise,” I whispered. “You can fuck it whenever you want.”

“Whenever I want?”

I was willing to promise anything at that moment. Her body was a temple, and I needed her.

“Yes, whenever you want,” I replied.

“You’re gonna cum in my tight, virgin pussy?” She teased.

“Yes,” I moaned and then began pounding her hard.

She squealed, and I felt my balls seething. I could no longer hold back. Her body was too amazing. My cock was ready to explode. I needed her. She needed me. The only thing that mattered was the pleasure.

“Please,” she begged.

I slammed into her, and then my orgasm exploded. My cum erupted inside her, and she squealed in ecstasy.

“Oh, god, I’m cumming too!” She moaned. “Fuck me, Evan, yes!”

Our orgasms were simultaneous. I kept thrusting, and her pussy was milking my cock. I could feel her body shaking. Her ass was quivering. My cock was buried inside her. Her body was clenching and contracting around me. We were both gasping for air. Our bodies were sweaty and wet.

It was only when my mind started to clear from its fog a few hours later that I realized what I had done. I had fucked my fiancée’s sister. There was no going back from that.

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