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Be cool! Be cool!

This was my mother standing in front of me. I mean, I hadn’t grown up with her, but for the last decade, she had effectively been my mother. She was trying to cover her body, one arm across her chest and another across her lower bits while she had her bunched-up swimsuit in her hands. It made her even sexier.

No! I couldn’t think about that. I’d start to get aroused, and if I got aroused around my mother, I’d be dead. I had noticed a sign on the fence that had the rules of the beach. These rules included the no swimsuit rule. That was only one of a dozen rules which included no sex and no cameras. The rule that made me sweat though was no hard-ons. It said any guy in the nude beach sporting an erection would be kicked out immediately. He could return once it calmed down, but at three strikes you’d be banned from the beach for good.

However, even if I got an erection and had to cool down, that wasn’t as mortifying if there were other women present. If I got an erection at pretty naked girls, that was just me being a guy. Even Felicia couldn’t blame me for being a man. Once I met up with them, I could blame any erections I got on Felicia, and she might even feel a bit satisfied. Yet, I wasn’t out on the beach, and the only naked person was my mother.

Even if I could hide my erection from her, since she’d probably be too embarrassed to look, it was the bouncer’s job to notice. I wouldn’t be able to explain myself to either of them. I tried to think of anything unsexy I could, including the bouncer naked. I noticed he had a lifeguard swimsuit on. That felt like a cheat. I could only imagine his naked, hairy ass. There, that was doing the trick.

“I’m waiting…”

Why was Carol watching intently? Even while hiding her shame, she had her eyes glued to my shorts. Where was her embarrassment and shame? She should be looking away shyly. That’s definitely how Felicia would react.

“M-m- Carol… can you look the other way?” I glanced at the bouncer watching with a raised eyebrow; there was no way I’d call her mom now.”

“Eh? Carol?” Carol smirked. “Didn’t you look? I’m just returning the favor.”

“I-I didn’t.” I protested, but I knew I had been found out.

I peeked and had been found out, otherwise I wouldn’t have had the boner I was dealing with. Thankfully, my erection managed to calm down enough that I was able to take off my swimsuit. I grabbed the hem of my shorts and then brought them down in a swift motion boldly in her direction. Carol gasped slightly.

“You are your father’s son,” she muttered.

Her words were too much, and I ended up turning around as I stepped out of them and picked them up.

“And your grandfather’s behind,” she stated just as I bent over.

I jerked up, feeling the heat on my face. The bouncer gave me a strange look. He probably wanted to know what kind of relationship I had with this woman who knew what my dad and grandpa looked like. Even I didn’t want to know why she knew what my grandpa looked like. Perhaps, her daughter spoke too much, or maybe living together, such things were bound to happen. I stiffly walked past the gateway where the ground became less rocky and sandier. I could hear Carol right next to me, and I resisted the temptation to take a look.

Instead, I acted interested in looking at the scene around me. It was the beach just like I remembered it, but a lot smaller than it used to be. A large privacy fence now covered its perimeter, but that only went out a little way into the water. It was enough to make this place feel like a private beach. It wasn’t that busy either, which was rather nice.

As I walked in, I was looking from group to group, making sure my eyes didn’t linger anywhere long enough that I’d be called a creep. I was looking for our family. However, as I saw group after group, I noticed a pattern. It was mostly men, and not attractive men either. They were ugly, old, or both. The few women were all extremely old, like in their 90s, or fat. We stood out like thumbs as we walked onto the beach. Carol looked young for her age and was probably the youngest-looking girl there. I also had to admit I was probably the fittest and youngest guy there.

We were both getting countless lustful looks. A fat girl winked at me. That’s when I noticed an old guy who was stroking his dick and leering at Carol. What happened to the rules? They were being blatantly ignored! There was a couple even having sex! They were old people, and they were both watching us even as they did it.  Worst of all, I couldn’t find our group at all. If those guys were looking at Felicia the way they were eyeing Carol, I wasn’t sure I could keep my cool. That’s when I felt a warm body press against me. Two soft things touched my back, and slender arms wrapped around my waist.

“M-mom!” I couldn’t help but cry out.

“I didn’t think people would stare so much. I’m embarrassed. Please don’t push me away.”

She was huddled against me, holding tightly from behind to keep the lecherous eyes from looking at her. I quickly scurried with her behind me to the one place I knew we could get some relief from prying eyes, the lake. The water was a bit cold and murky, but I moved until our lowered parts were covered. When I heard her take a breath of relief, I looked back at her. It looked like she had taken care of the prying eyes herself. Carol had taken her hair out of her usual bun, and it was long enough to cover her butt, so she would have been hidden as long as she pressed herself against me. I had rarely seen her with her hair undone, so it caught me a bit off guard.

“Wh-what?” She asked, looking shockingly shy for what I was familiar with.

“I like it when your hair is down,” I admitted.

“Really?” Carol blushed, a small smile on her lips, “So… what else do you like, Evan? I want to know.”

“You want to know? What kind of question is that?” I asked, perplexed as I felt like she went from embarrassed one second to teasing me the next. 

“It’s the kind of question you ask someone you love,” Carol answered, pressing her body even closer against me. “Do you love me?”

“O-of course I love you. You’re my stepmother.”

“Stepmother?” She asked. “Is that all we are?”

I froze for a second, my body tensing. “I never really knew my mother. I was just left on Dad’s porch one day with a note saying I was his. Dad was a playboy who fooled around with countless women when I was younger. He brought another girl home every night. You’re the first woman he ever committed to. Until you, I didn’t even know a woman could be anything other than a one-night stand.”

“E-evan.” Her grip on my shoulders tightened. “Your dad was committed to raising you too.”

I turned around, and she let out a gasp as I faced her, her naked body pressed against mine. “You were the first woman to ever show me what it was like to have a stable female figure in the household. Even though I was already passed puberty when we first met, you’ve been more of a mother to me than my mother ever was. That’s why I love you. It’s an unconditional, unceasing love.”

“Evan…” she gasped, her lip quivering as she looked up at me, but then she blinked and lowered her eyes. “What about Donna?”

“What about Donna?” I asked in a mocking voice.

She punched my shoulder playfully. “You shouldn’t talk about your sister like that.”

I chuckled. “I love Donna too. A-and Margot as well. You’re all my family.”

“Are we just family?” She asked, taking a step back and looking up at me.

“Wh-” I began before realizing what I was looking at.

Carol was completely naked. Her hair was all pulled behind her, which meant her front was exposed to me. Her breasts hung like two balloons, and my eyes couldn’t help but drift down. Her stomach was smooth and flawless, and her hips were wide. I could see just a hint of her pubic hair under the water, hinting at more.  As soon as I took her naked body in, I felt a surge of blood flood down below. She seemed to notice me exploring her body with my eyes. Rather than grow angry or embarrassed, she smirked slightly.

“Do you like my body?” Her eyes seemed to glow.

“Mm… Carol…” I realized I couldn’t call her mom while I was turned on by her body.

“Uh, oh…” Her eyes looked down, and I followed them to realize my dick was rock hard.

Unlike her nether regions that were hidden under the surface, my dick had a slight curve, so while the base and shaft were submerged, the head of it was just poking out of the water like a curious turtle. I was just about to pull away, but her hand suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

“What are you doing?” I cried out, my hands instinctively grabbing her hips.

“There are no erections on the beach.” She chided, her hand starting to stroke me. “We’ll have to take care of this.”

“No one else seems to care…” I panted through frantic breaths.

We were standing in the water, with Carol’s back toward the beach. Most of the gawking deviants lost interest once they lost sight of our naked bodies. In other words, no one could see what Carol was doing to me, even though we were completely out in public.

“Well, we shouldn’t risk it just in case.” Carol started to strike it in earnest. “Don’t worry, I’ll be quick.”

“M-mom…” I groaned forcefully, trying to remind her of our relationship as much as myself.

“Don’t mom me.” She smiled up at me, “Call me Carol. You’re not being a very good boy right now, and you should at least call me by my name.”

“Carol…” I moaned, feeling a bit of guilt over what I was doing, and then she squeezed me, and I lost all my worries.

“Good boy, Evan,” she whispered, her free hand stroking my hair. “Just relax, and let Carol make you feel better.”

I closed my eyes, and leaned forward slightly, pressing my forehead against hers. Her strokes were firm and quick, and she was rubbing her thumb over the tip. She wasn’t gentle or sensual, but her touch was expert and knowing, and the pleasure was immense. The water made everything feel wetter, and her strokes were smoother and more intense. I was breathing heavily, and the pleasure was growing and growing.

“Come on, baby,” she whispered, stroking my hair and kissing my cheek. “That’s it, that’s it, almost there.”

“Gahh, I’m going to cum, Carol.” My hands tightened on her hips as I started to lose control.

“That’s right. Do it,” she said, her strokes picking up. “You’re being a good boy. Go on. Come. Cum for Carol.”

“Mom!” I moaned, and then I exploded.

Cum erupted out of my penis. It wasn’t my greatest cum, but Carol was close enough that she caught most of it on her body, and the rest landed in the water. I breathed heavily as I watched my jizz drip down her chest and onto her hand, which was still on my dick. She didn’t seem surprised, and rather than disgusted, she looked pleased. She touched her breast, smearing the jizz over her skin.

“That was a big one,” she said with a smile, her hand still wrapped around my shaft. “You had a lot saved up. How many times have you jacked off since you came here?”

“Uh… I… uh…”

Personally, I didn’t jack off at all. However, there were already several encounters where I had cum with Donna and Margot, so I didn’t feel like I could say I hadn’t done it at all.

“Not enough.” Carol didn’t wait for me to finish. “It’s not healthy for a boy your age.”

“M-ma– ahhh!” I started when Carol suddenly pushed me into the water.

At first, I thought she was diving, but she jumped to the side.

“Mom? Evan? What are you two doing over there?”

“Hey, Donna?” Mom lifted a hand, but she had her body distinctly hidden past her chest.

This also dispersed most of the sperm I had deposited on her, so there was no sign of what we had just done. When I looked in Donna’s direction, something was off about her, but it only took me a moment to realize what. Donna was still wearing her bathing suit. Furthermore, she was at the edge of the wall peeking around it.

“Donna, when I told you that was the nude beach, I wasn’t encouraging you to perve over there,” grandpa’s exasperated voice came from the other side of the wall.

“I’m not being perverted! I was just looking for Evan and Carol!” Donna shot back, her face as red as her hair.

Realization struck Carol and me at the same time. As for Donna, she tilted her head in confusion as if she was thinking of something. Carol immediately grabbed her swimsuit which was floating nearby and started putting it on. I reached out for mine, but it wasn’t where I had let go of it earlier. I looked around, but I didn’t see it floating anywhere.

“We’re coming!” Carol yelled, standing up and trudging toward Donna.

“Wait, why are you guys in the nude section?”

“What do you mean? We swam out looking for you guys and ended up over here. It’s just an accident,” Carol said without missing a beat. “Do we look naked to you?”

Donna looked at Carol’s swimming outfit and then over at me still hiding underwater and squinted. “Did you get what Evan wanted?”

“Of course, I gave him a hand,” Carol responded, looking back at me. “You coming?”

I pulled out the goggles and lifted them. “Y-yeah…”

I had managed to find the goggles, but my swim trunks were still missing. I had no choice though but to swim over to them. Thankfully, the water was deeper around the edge of the divider, and my lower half was submerged in the murky deep. I was never more thankful that the lake was so dirty. I could only leave one last helpless look at the nude beach before moving to a much more crowded beach. This one was far busier, with the beach covered in towels and the waters packed with swimmers. There were children screaming and couples playfully frolicking. It was a far more familiar atmosphere.

“I caught Mom and Evan playing in the nude beach!” Donna spoke proudly, pointing back at the pair of us as she swam toward Grandpa.

“Don’t be ridiculous. It was just an accident,” Carol huffed.

Grandpa let out a chuckle as he put his arm casually around Donna’s shoulders. “You always were good at ending up in places you shouldn’t be. Remember the time we went for drinks and she ended up in that gay bar?”

“Hmph! I picked up a perfectly nice lady and brought her home. Alex didn’t complain. You didn’t either if I recall.”

“Haha, no we didn’t, did we.” Grandpa laughed.

“Did you see anything you like?” I jumped as Margot emerged next to me.

She had two floaties on her arm and was holding a floating snake, the rest of her emerged except for her head.  I kicked a few feet away from her, and she cocked her head curiously. I then noticed Felicia swimming out toward me too, a look of relief on her face. Except, she couldn’t seem to swim very well, and was doggie paddling.

“What could I have seen?” I answered. “Um… Felicia, can you swim?” 

“Thank goodness you’re alright.” Felicia cried as she swam up to me. “When we didn’t see you come to the beach, we started to worry… And of course, I can swim, I’m swimming, aren’t I?”

She continued to dog paddle toward me, but I moved back again, not wanting to get too close.  If Felicia clung to me, she might realize I was missing my swimsuit, and I didn’t want that.

“They were in the nude beach.” Margot immediately tattled.

“Eh?” Felicia stopped paddling for a second.

“They didn’t see the warning and swam around the wall,” Donna added.

“Is that so?” Felicia glanced at me innocently. “I didn’t see you come down the path at all.”

“Y-you must have missed us,” I lied.

“Did we?” Margot stared at me suspiciously. “How odd.”

There was no way I’d tell them we were naked. I was also trying to look casual while keeping my distance.

“Hey, guys!” a voice yelled from the beach, and we looked to see Alex on a chair under an umbrella with sunscreen on his nose. “Time to eat!”

As everyone started heading for the shore, I stared at it with trepidation. How could I get out of the water when I was completely butt-naked?

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