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“Ahhh…. Hah… hah… aahhhhnnn… E-evan…” she moaned, her lips parting in a gasp.

“Mmm…” My lips mumbled as they caressed the nape of her neck. “Felicia.”

“Please… hah… hah… Evan…” My hand was slowly creeping up her thighs, moving closer and closer.

She spread her legs, opening herself up willingly for my hand. I could feel a warmth coming from between her legs. I sucked even harder on her neck. She leaned back, complete putty in my hands. At that moment, I heard the buzzing of my phone. The vibration in my pocket was enough to bring me out of my enamored state.

“Mmm… mmm… hah…” I pulled away, leaving a stream of saliva running from her neck. “S-sorry…”

My hand withdrew from between her legs, stopping just short of touching her underwear. My fingers still had some moisture that had leaked onto her thighs, and likely carried her scent. However, I wouldn’t dare sniff them. Instead, I reached for my phone and pulled it out of my pocket, striking off the alarm.

“Hah… hah… wh-why did you stop?” Felicia asked, still panting as she looked at me with desire.

Her legs were still spread open and inviting. She was breathing hard, and her chest heaved with every breath. I continued to play with my phone, pretending I didn’t notice how aroused she was, just as I pretended not to see the wet spot she created soaking my passenger seat cushion. My dick was rock hard, but after imagining a few disgusting scenes, I quickly softened. Only then was I able to relax. Felicia was still watching me, and I realized she wanted an answer to her previous question.

“I-I’m not sure I could hold back if we kept going,” I answered honestly.

If there was anything when it came to Felicia, I never wanted to lie to her. Ever since I had met her, I had been crazy about her. Just the previous week, after three months of dating, I finally popped the question. Even more unexpectedly, she said yes. Felicia would become my wife, and that was the source of a great deal of excitement.

“H-hold… back…” She said the words almost like she didn’t understand what I was saying, looking around in embarrassment as she started to calm down. “I guess we are in public.”

We were sitting in a car in a parking lot. It was an isolated place near a park and there weren’t a lot of people around, but there was still daylight out and it would be embarrassing if we were seen making out, let alone doing the deed.

“I’m sorry we keep meeting in public places, but it will be worth it when we can remain virgins until our wedding night,” I said encouragingly. “You do want our first time to be after we marry, right?”

“Ah… that…” She shook her head almost like she had forgotten, and then blushed. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you completely. I’ve already decided. We don’t have to hold back anymore.”

“Honey, it’s just a few months.” I reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “You’ll be much happier knowing you waited, right? It’ll make our honeymoon amazing, right?”

She smiled, putting her hand on top of mine. “Of course. I want to remain a virgin until I’m married. It was never a problem when I was younger. I was never even tempted by anyone else. I always thought it was weird when other girls got pregnant in high school or whatever. Now that I found you, though, I didn’t realize it’d be so hard to hold back. We’ve gone this far, though, I do want to wait.”

I let out a relieved sigh and nodded in affirmation. I wanted nothing more than to have a normal relationship with a woman. I didn’t want anything in our relationship to be strange or questionable. It would be a wedding between a man and a woman who loved each other. There would be nothing else to it. Our first time would be on our honeymoon, and we’d want for nothing but each other.

As I was thinking that, my phone began to ring once again. I realized I had hit silent rather than turned the alarm off. I quickly fixed that.

“What is going on with your phone?” Felicia asked. “You keep checking it. Ever since you proposed, things have felt a bit different.”

As she spoke, she finally closed her legs, sitting in a pristine feminine pose that my fiancée was always good at making. She looked proper and perfect when she sat like that, the perfect model of a wife attending to her husband. I was so lucky that she was going to be my wife. It was just a shame that before that could happen, I would have to visit them.

“It’s just… I’ve been in contact with my family.”

“Your family?” She leaned forward slightly. “How are they? You never talk about them. Is it your… mom?”

“It’s my dad and grandad. They’re both married… but they’re not mi… I mean, I have a stepmom and step-grandma.”

“It’s still nice to have family,” Felicia stated. “All I have is my sister after mom died.”

“Right…” I coughed awkwardly, scratching the back of my head.

Felicia’s mom had died right before I started dating her. It could even be said that she started dating me because of her mother dying. I had been asking her out for months, but she kept evading. When her mother died, Felicia took it hard, and I was there to support her. She finally accepted a date, but ever since I always felt weird about it. I didn’t want it to seem like I took advantage of her in a vulnerable state, but I knew that some of the other guys thought I had.

That was because Felicia was extremely smart and beautiful. She had supermodel-quality beauty, and every guy lusted after her. I had just graduated school when I popped the question. I didn’t even have a job at the time. Felicia was continuing to earn her master’s in psychology. I was a business major, nothing exciting. I knew my looks were good, but I wasn’t independently wealthy or abnormally fit. Technically, I was homeless and jobless. Getting a girl like her was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Felicia gave me a side look. “You know, she’s been asking about you.”

“Huh?” I gave a distracted response.

“My sister has been asking about you.”

“Heidi?” I stiffened slightly. “Uh… yeah, you can tell her I’m fine.”

Felicia’s pretty lips tightened. “What happened between you and my sister? You got along well for a while. Heidi seemed to like you, but then it was like you were avoiding her. You haven’t visited my place in months. There isn’t a problem, is there?

“No!” I cried out a bit too loudly and then blushed as she raised her eyebrows. “Um… I mean, your sister is fine. She’s adorable. It’s just… I didn’t want her getting too attached.”

“We’re getting married now. I think it’s okay if you let her get close. She’s going to be your sister-in-law., remember?”

“Yeah, that’s the problem.” I sighed.


“Nothing!” I cringed a little. “I’m sorry, you know I have a thing with family.”

“You warned me that you weren’t close to your family.” She gave me a doe-eyed look. “I care a lot about family and she’s the only family I have. With us marrying, is it going to be a problem?”

“It won’t!” I turned, reassuring her. “We’re going to start a family together. It will be you and me. We’ll have kids, and I’ll take care of all of you and love you every day of my life, I promise!”

She blushed slightly, but she seemed pleased by my words. I could only let out a soft breath as I dodged another bullet.  I wasn’t sure how to explain things to her. How could the strange dynamics of my family be? How could I tell her my family was full of beautiful and flirtatious women, and I wasn’t confident I could control myself around them?

It had been a problem ever since I was young. My dad had always been a playboy, bringing a different girl home every night. I had grown up with the bachelor lifestyle. Who would have thought he’d settle down with a hot MILF, and then bring in two beautiful sisters with her. This happened just as I reached puberty, and I lusted after my own family.

Growing up in such an environment made me especially mindful of such desires in me. That’s what made things so difficult with Felicia’s sister. Heidi was really cute, and since turning eighteen she seemed to have grown even hotter. If I took advantage of Heidi, I’d become scum. Worst of all, Heidi seemed to have a bit of a crush on me, so if I did hit do something with her, I could ruin my relationship with my wife. Felicia was so pure and trusting, she’d be appalled if she knew I had such lustful thoughts that didn’t even spare a sister-in-law.

Perhaps, it was because Felicia was such a pure-hearted woman that I had fallen in love with her in the first place. Her actions were honorable. She had held off her virginity for years. I never saw any perversion in her eyes, unlike my own perverted body which betrayed me all the time. Well, that was until very recently. After I proposed to her, she started to want it, but she never resorted to manipulation or lying. My precious Felicia was very upfront about her desires, and it only made me love her more.

“You said you’ve been in contact with them-” Felicia inquired about my family, trying to come off as casual.

“I’m leaving on Monday,” I responded to change the subject.

“Eh? Leaving?” Felicia turned to me wide-eyed.

“We just had graduation, remember.”

“I remember.” Felicia nodded. “I was hoping to meet your family then, but they didn’t come.”

“Because I didn’t invite them.” I coughed. “Um, well, you may also remember we were kicked out of the dorm rooms last week.”

“I remember…” She gave me an odd look.

“And do you remember when I never got another place to stay?” I asked awkwardly.

“E-eh? Wait! You’re homeless?”

“No! No… not at all. I’m sleeping in my truck.” I gestured behind us, pointing to the window-high mound that equaled every possession that I owned. 

“That’s homeless! You just described homelessness!”

“I also still have a gym membership so I can shower there.”

“Still homeless!”

“I don’t have a place because I don’t have a job. I need a job first, after all, now that I’m a graduate, I’m going to be paying back my school loans.”

“You can stay with me!” Felicia announced and then blushed when she realized what she said. “Ah… although you’ll have to mind Heidi since she lives with me.”

“No!” I shouted, and when she looked at me strangely, I returned a comforting smile. “Um… that’s why I’m returning home. I just need a few days. In a few days, I can find a job and a place to stay.”

“A few days isn’t a lot of time. Is it so bad? Won’t your family give you any more time? We can go together. Maybe, you can ask them for help-”

“I’m not going to ask them for anything,” I responded bitterly. “I wouldn’t even be returning home if it wasn’t the only option I can think of.”


I shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, Felicia. This is something I have to do alone. I have a box in the attic. I used to collect trading cards, and I have a few with significant value to them. If I sell them, I’ll have enough money to get by. I’ll be able to get on my feet and give you the wedding you deserve. After that, I’ll get us a place. It’ll all work out, I promise.”

Felicia let out a breath and then smiled back. “I trust you. Just remember that you’re not alone.”

“I know.” I reached out and squeezed her hand. “I have you from now on.”

She blushed and then leaned against me. I started to feel hot though and realized I still wanted to kiss her. She seemed to be hot as well, and she was rubbing up against me closer and closer. My body started to lose control and thoughts of ripping off her clothing and throwing her to the ground flooded my mind. She was aroused, but she didn’t understand how perverted my mind could be. For some reason, her innocence caused me to grow even more aroused. Realizing I couldn’t hold myself back much longer, I made an excuse about needing to pack up and drop her off back at her house.

Considering everything I owned was in the back of the truck, I knew that Felicia was only humoring me, but I appreciated her support. She waved goodbye at the front door to her condominium, blowing me a kiss. I went to catch it, but then I had a feeling like I was being watched. My eyes went up to the window which I knew was her apartment. A girl was standing behind the window, watching me.

She had one hand on the glass and her other hand was down below. She was leaned up close, and every time she exhaled some steam went against the window. She was a cute short-haired blonde, with a slim, fit body. I was trying to figure out what she was doing through the limited view. Her hand was moving in a strange jerky motion. Wait, was she… fingering herself?

She was watching me through her window while masturbating! I looked away in horror, but my eyes quickly looked back, only to see her standing normally again. She lifted her hand that had been down below and then licked her fingers. With her other hand, she closed the blinds, blocking my view.

My entire body shivered. I had to have imagined it. Heidi was probably normal. She could have been doing anything. She could have been preparing food and licking some of it caught in her hand. In her bedroom? Without looking down at me? Wait, was that even her bedroom? I tried to think about the layout of their place, and I was starting to think it might be Felicia’s room. Plus, wasn’t the shirt she was wearing one of my shirts I had left at Felicia’s place?

“I need to go,” I muttered to myself.

I was so turned on I was starting to hallucinate. For four years, I lived like a monk, but with our wedding coming up, it was getting harder and harder, in more ways than one.

I pulled out of the condominium complex and headed over to the gym. After taking a cold shower, I checked my pockets. I had only $20 to my name. It was just enough to fill the gas tank back up. By the time I reached the family home, I’d be running on fumes. Once again, I considered all of my other options. I could depend on my fiancée… but she had her concerns to worry about. I had to return to that place full of temptation.

That’s why I decided not to contact them first. My visit would be a surprise. That way, I wouldn’t fall into any traps. If they knew I was coming, they’d dress up and they’d get excited, and I’d only have an increasingly tough time.

This was just something I had to do. I’d be in and out, for a few days tops. I wouldn’t let my darker self emerge. Then, I’d spend the rest of my life with Felicia, a pure and unsullied vanilla marriage, just like we both wanted.

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