This is the final sponsored chapter of STD too. I will probably set up the $10 sponsorships once I’m finished. I still have a good twenty chapters left of sponsorships to catch up on.

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“What is… ah! Where am I?”

“What is going on?”

“Who are you?”

As the girls around the table woke up, they each gave a start. Only the women’s council girl had come to the table by choice. The others had been lured here and drugged. It wasn’t my proudest moment, but I knew that I wouldn’t have a chance to reach out to these girls in public. Thankfully, things were so hectic no one noticed a few of the women entering not coming back out.

“Hello, ladies. I’ve assembled you all because you’ve caught my interest,” I announced.

Every eye finally turned to me.

“I knew it was a trap! Special reward my ass!”

“We’ve been kidnapped! Help! Help!

“You’ll never take me alive, Demon!”

I looked over at Elizabeth, still standing in the corner. She gave a helpless smile and a thumbs up. She was supposed to be controlling their moods, keeping them listening and receptive.

“I’m not holding you here,” I responded, holding out my hand. “You may leave whenever you want.”

The eight girls looked at me suspiciously. Only the council girl bit her lip, a conflicted expression on her face. One girl slowly stood up and started backing toward the entrance. At that moment, another girl spoke up.

“If we… work for you… we’ll be able to eat and live like this?” One of the girls asked.

“Sister!” An identical-looking girl cried out.

Yes, two of the nine girls were twins. When I had seen them in the crowd, I made sure they were moved up in line. I was only a man, and I reckoned there weren’t too many twins left in this world. A brothel just wouldn’t feel complete without a set.

“You will.” I nodded. “Employment guarantees room and board.”

“How can we trust him? That other demon offers the same,” another girl said.

“You can trust me by the quality of the women beside me.” I looked at Elizabeth and winced slightly.

She wasn’t at her best. After working in the kitchen all day, she looked quite sloppy. Unfortunately, the ladies still all looked at her and then wore considering looks.

“I won’t fuck demons!” One girl said.

“Okay.” I nodded.

She blinked. “You’re okay with that?”

“To date… none of my women have fucked a demon… uh… for profit.” I quickly added.

“I don’t want to do anything with demons,” the girl continued.

“I’m not making you,” I said agreeably. “I have a lot of jobs that need filling. The soup kitchen needs people to work it. I also need a bartender. You’ll have to apply for those specific positions though to make sure you’re competent.”

“You’ll take care of us for that?” The twin who had chastised her sister seemed surprised.

“Mm…” I nodded. “If you work in the soup kitchen, you’ll get three bowls a day and some bread, as well as a bed in the co-dormitory.”

“Eh? Soup? What about what we ate earlier?” one of the girls demanded.

“I run a business.” I shrugged. “Such amenities are reserved for my income earners. You can’t expect me to give the same pay to everyone. Some jobs are worth more than others.”

“So, your prostitutes get paid more? How much?” One of the girls asked.

“That depends on the prostitute,” I explained. “What you get is directly correlated to how much you work and what you offer.”

“What we… you mean… that…”

“At the moment, demon tastes are simple. A woman’s hands, boobs, and three holes are as complicated as it gets. However, as we expand, some more peculiar services may net differentials.”

“Three…” One of the girls looked at her fingers. “Ah! The b-butt too?”

“That’s service even Sal hasn’t offered yet.” I shrugged. “I’m not saying there is a current market for it, but markets change. The point being, you decide what services you offer, and you make money based on the clientele you bring.”

“If I… sell myself…” One of the girls said awkwardly. “Would I have my room?”

I nodded. “You’d have a room. As for money, it will be kept track by my accountant. Your cut is 50% minus the rent and provided amenities. I have started a list of things you can purchase and their respective costs. I will get you whatever you have the money to afford.”


“The room you perform in… the rooms are owned by me and using them naturally costs money. I also provide showers, soap, shampoo, and working attire. Any clothing necessary for your job will be reimbursed to you. You only need to worry about your private clothes.”

“Are there any restrictions?” The woman’s council girl asked.

“You can’t work on the side. No street work or going to another brothel to double dip,” I explained. “If you choose to leave, I ask that you get an escort. My bouncer is currently working on recruiting a few more to accompany you. They will also be able to buy you things at the market, should you want them.”

After I said that, the girls started whispering to each other. The one who had stood up had long since sat back down. Whether the deal I was offering was really that tempting, or Elizabeth was altering their mood to make them more accepting. I could see them growing more and more excited.

“What do we do now?” One of the girls asked.

“Think about if you want to sign a contract with me. Also, decide what role you’re interested in doing. I expect everyone to be working. If you’re not working the floor, then you’ll be putting your time elsewhere. My associate will take down your information.”

I gestured as Diana walked in. “Please give me your names once again. I’ll also need to know dimensions, fetishes, and tolerances…”

The girls seemed shocked by Diana’s appearance, but her fast barrage of questions quickly put them on the defensive and they couldn’t stop to wonder why a little girl was handling their applications. I stood up knuckled my back, and then headed back to my room. I hadn’t moved the beds yet for obvious reasons, so other than the spare rooms and kitchen, which had been turned into the dining room and two eight-person person public dorms, the remaining four rooms were still occupied by us. Elizabeth looked at my room, a slightly uneasy look on her face.

I looked down the hallways and saw Daphne, Alleya, and Luna returning from the soup kitchen. They were all dirty and haggard too. Even on the busiest days in the brothel, they didn’t look this tired. Luna was already asleep, and Alleya was carrying her. As for Daphne and Alleya, they had reluctant expressions on their faces too.

“You don’t need to warm my bed tonight.” I paused for a second. “You’ve all worked hard today, and tomorrow will be the same. You can take a break from that.”

“Thank gods.” Daphne let out a cry of relief.

“A-as Master commands.” Alleya accepted my words.

“Are you sure?” Elizabeth looked the most hesitant.

“Yes.” I forced a smile. “Go on ahead.”

The girls returned to their respective rooms. Elizabeth gave me one last regretful look before she entered hers. I went into my bedroom and stripped down. Tomorrow would be almost as busy as today was. We needed to relocate our rooms, and then we needed to manage the soup kitchen and the brothel at the same time. Worst of all, I’d be dealing with eight recruits who’d need training.

I couldn’t help but grunt as I collapsed in the bed.  It felt good being off my feet. I hadn’t done half the work of any of the girls, but I was pretty tired too. Not too tired to have sex, but going a night without satisfying my penis was a sacrifice I had to make for the girls. That’s what I was thinking, but a short time later was a light knock on the door.

“Come in.”

It seemed like Elizabeth couldn’t rest unless I was satisfied. I couldn’t help but smile. The door opened, and a young girl poked her head in, and my smile dropped. I had been expecting Elizabeth to come herself or force Alleya or Daphne to. Alleya’s resilience should have allowed her to take it, and Daphne could probably be tricked into thinking it was some kind of masochistic play. Yet, the girl who arrived was the women’s council girl.

“H-hello?” She asked, stepping into my room nervously.

“What do you want?”

“I-I was told… to come here, for my final test?” She spoke timidly.

My eyebrow rose. It seemed like Elizabeth was looking out for me after all.

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