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“Hey, you awake?” I asked, slapping her cheeks lightly.  

The elf girl’s eyes opened as she looked at me through her long eyelashes, then she immediately tried to lunge. Of course, she was tied to a chair, and after two failed attempts, she let out a breath, and then made a third attempt.

This one was persistent. While she was doing that, I checked out the new skills my girls could earn. For Elizabeth…

Demon’s Strength – Gains the strength and physical status equal to a demon.

Female Demon – Skin turns color (random), and gains horns, appearing like a demon.

Regeneration – Heals from wounds and physical damage quicker. It does not include internal injuries or amputations.

Incubator – Gains extremely high fertility.

Hair Control – No need to shave. Hair only grows where you want it.

Pain Reduction – Feels less pain. Higher pain threshold.

Low Metabolism – Needs to eat less. Can go days without eating.

Improved Moral – Easier to control.

Iron Teeth – Can bite through any surface.

Intellect Boost – Smarter Minion

Psychic – Read Minds

Call to Victory – Ignites bloodlust in allies while damaging willpower of opponents.

Truth Seer – Can tell lies from truth.

Call to victory sounded great if you had an army, but Truth Seer sounded like a skill more to her, and my, liking. I really was interested in knowing who was lying and who was telling the truth. In this situation with the elf girl before us, that was doubly important.

“I will select Truth Seer for your skill,” I told Elizabeth. “You should be able to tell the difference between lies and truth now.”

“As Master sees best.” Elizabeth bowed.

“Ah? Do I have a new ability too?” Alleya begged excitedly.

Demon’s Strength – Gains the strength and physical status equal to a demon.

Female Demon – Skin turns color (random), and gains horns, appearing like a demon.

Regeneration – Heals from wounds and physical damage quicker. It does not include internal injuries or amputations.

Incubator – Gains extremely high fertility.

Hair Control – No need to shave. Hair only grows where you want it.

Pain Reduction – Feels less pain. Higher pain threshold.

Low Metabolism – Needs to eat less. Can go days without eating.

Iron Stomach – Can eat anything. Gain sustenance from items.

Photographic Memory – Can remember anything they heard.

Fearless – Possesses no fear.

I had originally selected Improved Moral hoping to just put her in a better mood. Described easier to control, I realized only later it meant that it improved loyalty, an important attribute when dealing with arrogant and powerful demons who might otherwise rebel. Well, it was nice it didn’t change her personality and only made her more willing to do her job. The ends justified the means, in my opinion.

However, when it goes to what I want next from her, I wasn’t exactly sure. In the end, I decided to follow along the route she was going, which seemed to be either the perfect soldier or the perfect personal attendant.

“I want Hair control!” She blushed, “I’d rather not shave in a certain-”

“I’m selecting Demon’s Strength.”


“The next time we have a situation like this one with the knife, I want you to be able to defuse the situation easily.”

“Excuse me! I-I’m not your bodyguard. Do I look like a street tough?”

“That’s exactly why I want you to have this ability,” I explained. “No one would expect a skinny, small princess to have the strength and physique of a demon.”

“But what if it makes me have the physical appearance of a demon too! I can’t be a muscle woman!”

“Too late, I already selected it.”

“You…” Crack!

The table that she had her hands on suddenly broke as she accidentally ripped a chunk right off it.

“That’s coming out of your allowance.”

She looked red-face, but she tearfully nodded in silence before sighing.

“Are you calm yet?” I turned to the elf girl. “I never even got your name until now.”

“Daphne… the names Daphne?” She responded politely and then broke into tears. “Please… this is all a misunderstanding. I didn’t wish to harm anyone.”

“She’s lying,” Elizabeth said, and then blinked in surprise.

“Well, obviously,” I patted the blushing Elizabeth on the head before turning back to Daphne. “You’re a bit too late for that. Be honest to me, and I’ll be honest to you.”

Her innocent expression turned into a sneer, and her voice changed into something much less refined. “Fine, you fucker demon, what the hell you going to do with me?”

“I’m not going to kill you, yet,” I reassured her, but she barely blinked at those words.

Rather, she snorted loudly and glared at me. “Well, obviously. I have that lieutenant wrapped around my finger. He thinks he owes me, haha. You wouldn’t touch me for fear of causing retribution with him. So, I figure you’re stuck. I can already tell you now, whatever plans you have to reform me, they won’t work. I’ve been through worse torture than you could ever imagine. I’ve watched everyone I ever loved die to demons just like you. I feel no guilt taking from your kind.”

“And them?” I gestured at the girls behind me.

“I’m not a human, dumbass. Why do I care about a bunch of stupid humans? Their lives are short anyway. Anything they gave me would have much more value compared to their short, pathetic lives. Humans, demons… you’re all the same. You rape the land of resources and take from everyone until there is nothing left. So, I steal a little back, and you want to act like I’m the one at fault. Fuck the lot of you!” She spat out on the floor at my feet.

I frowned. Not because she cussed a lot or because she spat. The disrespect didn’t matter to me at all. It was the fact that she didn’t fit my image of an elf at all! Elves were supposed to be nature loving beauties. A high existance that was graceful and elegant. There was nothing about this elf that said elegance from the way she spoke to the way she sat. Even Diana had more sex appeal than this unsightly woman.

“Master, I was able to help with Alleya, with time, perhaps…” Elizabeth’s voice had drifted off.

She wasn’t certain she’d be able to do anything with this elf. After all, her behavior was worse. About the only thing she had going for her was that she actually was rather skilled at a blowjob. She had sex skill that even Alleya lacked, but she had the worst attitude I had ever seen. If I made her my minion, would that really make a difference?

“Master, just get rid of her!” Alleya advised. “We can cut her throat and just say she ran away.”

Diana nodded at this, agreeing with Alleya’s very unprincess-like desires. I let out a sigh and began removing the elfs restraints.

“I’ll be taking you to your room.”

Daphne’s face curled into a defiant smile, and she stuck her tongue out at the other two girls. “That’s a good boy. Feed me and dress me and give me an allowance. Give me their allowances too.”

“You…” Alleya glared.

“Why?” Elizabeth gasped.

“Heh… I don’t care about the money, but seeing you two humans miserable makes me happy.” She glared at me. “As long as you do these things, then I’ll allow you to keep doing business. I’ll prance around in front of the lieutenant, and we’ll convince him I’m new and improved. Deal?”

“Your room is over here. I have to say. It was extremely pricey. Even taking aside the payments the lieutenant has given me, I’ve spent more on you than either of my other girls.”

Daphne crossed her arms with a smug smile. “I expect no less. I’m glad you understand your place. I guess I didn’t have to rob you after all.”

“No, you didn’t,” I said.

If Daphne had seen the expression on the other two girls as she walked into the back, she might not have had a smug expression. Their faces had gone white, and they had backed up into a corner, visibly shaking. There was a reason for this. I was smiling.

They knew me long enough now to know there were only two times I ever smiled. One, when I was dealing with a customer. It was a smile, but it had a fake quality to it. Always greet a customer with a smile; that is what I believed. The other time I smiled, the time I held my true smile, it was when I was about to do something really really nasty. I followed close behind Daphne as she entered her room.

Once she took a few steps in, a confused look flashed on her face. “Huh? What’s this?”

It was a somewhat small room. The walls seemed to be covered in a soft, white fabric. There was no furniture in the room. There were chains hanging from the wall, and a bowl on the floor. I closed the door behind us, locking it with a click.

“What the hell is this?” She spun around.

“You were wrong about one thing,” I said, still smiling.

“Wh-what’s that?” She backed up, realizing something was wrong.

“My agreement with the lieutenant… I can’t kill you… but nothing in it says I can’t touch you.”

“You… even if you do… I’ll tell him everything! You’ll…

“Well, that depends on many things.” I shrugged. “Like how long your mind holds out.”

“Y-you can’t, what is this room? Why is there cloth on the walls?”

“It’s a padded cell. It’s so we can play… and no one can hear the screams.”

“Y-y-you’ll never change me! I’ll never break!”

“Change you?” I shrugged. “I’m just trying to get my money’s worth. As for whether you break, I hope you don’t, as it means I get more use out of you.”

Her face turned white, but there was nowhere to run. She threw out her hand and cast a spell, which sparked to nothing. In the end, her only strength was magic, and magic wouldn’t save her in this building.

I began to put her to work.

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