Dear Supporters and Fans,

Thank you for your continued support. Another month has gone by. Still feel like we’re transitioning a bit here, so hopefully, things settle down soon. Let’s get to the announcements.


• I will be taking off for the scheduled April 1st to the 7th as part of the unholy agreement written between me and my supporters forged in the fires of hell and signed in the blood of broken virgins. It’s FORGED. You can’t go back out on that kind of stuff. I will probably use this time to catch up on some missed chapters and finish some eBooks.

• NTR Crush V6 was released last month. I’ve had issues this month timewise. V7 will be released this month, concluding the stories for good.  I also plan to work on MDL 9-11 (I’ll be re-releasing 9 and 10 to try to fix some issues), and then I’ll probably start on TOAE.

• Yes, Enslaved V3 will start shortly. I need some time to reread the story so that I can do it justice.

• We’re still working on the new membership patch which will fix some of the issues introduced by the membership switcheroo. This includes the automatic $5-$2 tier changes I’ve been promising for nearly a year now, the return of automatic vouchers, and hopefully a clearer to understand membership system. It’ll only get done as fast as a single guy can work on it. If you haven’t gotten the content you’re supposed to, just contact me and ask.

Here’s a public service announcement:  When you can’t see a post: read the text that appears instead. It tells you what level the post is locked at. Please make sure the post is something you can access BEFORE telling me your account isn’t working. If you feel the tier is wrong, which is common and will continue to happen until I can get the automatic tier changes, then let me know and I will fix them promptly.

• The App did get an update this month. If it stopped working for you, uninstall and reinstall the new version. This has been stable for at least the last three weeks. The Apple Store version will be released soon too.

• I know that I’ve missed a couple of chapters this month, particularly GOAS and TOAD. I needed a break when I ended NTR Crush and I didn’t give myself one. I will try to get you the missing chapters this week I have off.

• I will be releasing Getting Lucky Images for all of the girls soon. I selected an artist who is doing them for me. I’m sure some people won’t be happy with the quality since I didn’t go for the top tier, but I like what I’ve seen and soon you’ll have an image of all of the girls.

• I’m going to swap the times of GOAS and Apocalypse. I just haven’t felt like Friday works for GOAS.

April Goals:

I will not release April 1st-April 7th.

Enslaved: Monday

Apocalypse: Tuesday and Friday

Tales of a Demon Queen: Wednesday

Man of the House: Thursday

My Dungeon Life: Tuesday-Saturday (X3 a day)

Guy on a Spaceship: Saturday

Getting Lucky: Sunday

Rotation: Sunday (RDL 4th, RttS 11th, RotMK 18th, LDP 25th)

Isekai no Monogatari: Friday

9 PM Eastern Standard Time

Public Chapters Currently Releasing…

Rise of the Midnight King (1 a week), My Dungeon Life (6-9 a week), NTR Crush (1 a week), Man of the House (1 a week), Guy on a Spaceship (1 every other week)

All Public Chapters release on Sunday Night/ Monday Morning.

*Please allow up to 24 hours for the chapters to release late before messaging me. If a chapter doesn’t go from $5 to $2 tier by the next morning after a release, let me know. My tech guy is currently fixing my ability to make that change more automatic. Sorry, it’s taken so long. Thanks!

March Recap:

Images: 4

Comic: 4

Apocalypse: 9 (14,400)

GL: 4 (8,000)

GOAS: 2 (6,000)

MDL: 24 (38,400)

MOTH: 4 (8,000)

TOAD: 3 (6,000)

WOW: 4 (12,000)

AGMD: 3 (9,000)

Other: 7 (18,000)

Total Words Released This Month: 119,800 words

Admittedly, not my greatest month. Things should pick up when I start back up on April 8th. See you then.

